
For our clients to prosper in today’s rapidly evolving business environment the practice of strategic management is a critical skill to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, identifying, and mitigating risks, and delivering consistent long-term value creation.

Elton Consulting has the insight, analytical skills, and experience to provide perspectives to a wide array of clients across the country.

We can assist you in applying the concepts and techniques of strategic management to identify issues, devise practical strategies-to create value delivering positions to compete in the present and be resilient in the long-term.


We tailor our solutions to fit each client’s requirements that can include the following areas:

Start Point Assessment

We can assist in understanding the effectiveness, performance, and potential of existing strategies to deliver goals and objectives.

Scenario Planning

We can assist by developing predictive future scenarios and gauging their effects on business thereby helping management identify and prepare for opportunities and adversities.


We can assist with internal (comparing performance between distinct parts of an organization) or external (comparing performance with other companies or across an industry). Within these broader categories, there are three specific types of benchmarking: (1) Process (2) Performance and (3) Strategic.


Value Modeling

We can provide company and project valuations on a qualitative, quantitative, and overall basis. Financially we use three methods (1) DCF analysis, (2) comparable company analysis, and (3) precedent investment and transactions. We have considerable experience in Cost Benefit Analysis and associated techniques.

Strategic Planning

We can assist you from initiation to completion in your strategic planning process to develop a coherent strategic plan. This can include development of financial targets, resource requirements, organizational development and roles and responsibilities.

Strategy Development

We can assist you in identifying your key corporate issues, analyzing, and assessing business unit portfolios, and developing strategies (corporate, business and growth) to improve corporate performance.


Stakeholder Identification and Engagement

Stakeholder management is critical to the development of effective relationships. We can assess, identify, and analyze your stakeholders to understanding their positions and communication needs to maximize the effectiveness of engagements.

Portfolio Segmentation

We can develop deep insights into specific areas of an organization. This can be by (1) clients served (2) geography (3) operating model (4) products or services produced or sold, however most insightful for your business to enable optimum resource allocation.

Performance Measurement

We can assist clients to determine and establish appropriate performance measures (financial and nonfinancial) to assess, drive and monitor performance.


Liability Assessment

We can assist clients by undertaking initial or in-depth assessments of current, non-current, and contingent business liabilities. These can include financial, environmental, operational, and legal issues.

Restructuring, Turnaround and Transformation

We can collaborate with you in identifying your firm’s restructuring, turnaround or transformation issues and help you in determining the right strategic alternatives to create and/or restore value.

Acquisition, Divestment, and Partnering

We can develop opportunity assessments for growing your business through strategic acquisitions, deliver value through disposals and identify partnering opportunities.



Our greatest satisfaction comes from our client feedback:

"Your tactical acumen and ability to think many steps ahead have delivered an outcome well beyond our expectations. This contract covering US and European locations will stand the test of time."

~ Lorraine R.

"Thank you for your inspired leadership and ability to manage the strategy and detail of a complex deal implementation. You have set us on the road to delivering the value we promised."

~ Matt T.

"A large deal delivered in a short timeframe and with better than dreamed of results. Quality of preparation moves away from and at the table and in gaining competitive information gave us a significant advantage. This was a highly impressive performance and result."

~ Graham V.

"The thoroughness of the work undertaken, insight into the market and generation of strategy options has been first class."

~ Paul S.

"You have opened our minds to a different way of thinking and opportunities we never knew existed. Your insights and innovative approach have made the difference."

~ Larry P.

"Elton Consulting has delivered the highest quality scenario planning and developed those into well researched opportunities that allow us to prioritize where we will invest over the next five years."

~ Charles C.

"The quality of due diligence provided to us gave us the confidence to make the acquisition. Knowing that the value being sold to us was real, robust, and de-risked was critical."

~ William A.

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