
Elton Consulting LLC are experienced, discreet, and professional negotiation experts. Whatever negotiation challenge you face – acquisition, merger, sale, trade union dispute, major commercial contracts, dispute resolution or simply navigating the commercial realities of a complex world – having our negotiation team on your side delivers certainty, confidence, and guaranteed results.

We tailor our services around our clients’ specific needs that typically revolve around three elements and or a combination of those in negotiation preparation, at the table and behind the scenes.


We can manage or advise on the entire negotiation chain including:


We can develop or frame the logic for any deal and assess the value creating potential and how much of that can be delivered for all parties involved. Such assessments give confidence to pursue negotiations and stop the wasting of resources where value delivery does not justify the work to be done.


We can manage the entire negotiation process or individual elements of it as required. This includes opportunity identification, through approach, due diligence, synergy assessment, valuations, negotiation, risk identification and mitigation, closing, implementation and post-closing integration and management of liabilities.


We can provide advice throughout or at certain times on any aspect of your negotiation. Do you need help making critical decisions, framing issues or honest feedback to provide focus and candid insights?



We can assess your teams’ capabilities and negotiation maturity in terms of people, process, and negotiation. We identify strengths and gaps and assist you refine and improve the way deals are framed, assessed, managed, delegated, approved, and reported on.


We can close complex and multi-faceted deals with many different stakeholders. We plan for closing early on to be able to close as quickly as possible where desired and cut out last minute surprises.


Closing out deal conditions and mitigating liabilities can be critical value drivers for deals. We can provide focus and dedicated management of critical issues so hard-won value is not lost after the deal closes.


Our team has collaborated with major corporations and small and medium sized businesses to deliver effective value creating deals. We find creative solutions to the toughest negotiation challenges. Our expert consulting ensures you and your team have the process, capability, confidence, and mindset to push through the most difficult and complex situations and secure sustainable value.


Our greatest satisfaction comes from our client feedback:

"Your tactical acumen and ability to think many steps ahead have delivered an outcome well beyond our expectations. This contract covering US and European locations will stand the test of time."

~ Lorraine R.

"Thank you for your inspired leadership and ability to manage the strategy and detail of a complex deal implementation. You have set us on the road to delivering the value we promised."

~ Matt T.

"A large deal delivered in a short timeframe and with better than dreamed of results. Quality of preparation moves away from and at the table and in gaining competitive information gave us a significant advantage. This was a highly impressive performance and result."

~ Graham V.

"The thoroughness of the work undertaken, insight into the market and generation of strategy options has been first class."

~ Paul S.

"You have opened our minds to a different way of thinking and opportunities we never knew existed. Your insights and innovative approach have made the difference."

~ Larry P.

"Elton Consulting has delivered the highest quality scenario planning and developed those into well researched opportunities that allow us to prioritize where we will invest over the next five years."

~ Charles C.

"The quality of due diligence provided to us gave us the confidence to make the acquisition. Knowing that the value being sold to us was real, robust, and de-risked was critical."

~ William A.

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