
Our business coaching aims to assist clients achieve greater clarity, focus and results. Our experience, breadth of business and project management and wide network allows us to bring focus on developing and delivering the goals of the business with a team or for individuals within a business.

Our approach is tailored to specific needs, typically aimed at increasing the bottom line by increasing revenues and/or reducing costs. This can be done generically through management focus or through portfolio actions such as an acquisition or transformation project.

We focus on

  • Building self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Framing issues to enable high quality decision making.
  • Relationship development and communication skills.
  • Team cohesiveness and motivation.
  • Resilience in delivery to deliver value creation.
  • Strategy and negotiation as specialty coaching areas.

We work at all levels within an organization

Executive coaching for senior leaders

During the 70s and 80s when business coaching was in its infancy, the first individuals to receive coaching were executives. This is often still the case. Companies invest in coaching for their executives because they are the highest paid individuals in the company and the ones responsible for creating change within the organization.

Business coaching for middle managers

Business coaching for middle managers is commonly referred to as leadership coaching because the intention of the coaching may be to improve the middle manager’s ability to lead or to prepare the middle manager for an upcoming ascent to a more senior role.

Business coaching for front-line staff

Business coaching for front-line staff is sometimes referred to as performance coaching, or as team coaching if delivered as part of a group initiative.

Our experience has taught us that coaching for smaller businesses is in different in scale and complexity to larger companies. Regardless of size, all companies have a financial motive for coaching. Small business owners often have less resources and fewer employees with specialized skill sets and benefit from the experience and relationships that Elton Consulting LLC can provide.


Our greatest satisfaction comes from our client feedback:

"Your tactical acumen and ability to think many steps ahead have delivered an outcome well beyond our expectations. This contract covering US and European locations will stand the test of time."

~ Lorraine R.

"Thank you for your inspired leadership and ability to manage the strategy and detail of a complex deal implementation. You have set us on the road to delivering the value we promised."

~ Matt T.

"A large deal delivered in a short timeframe and with better than dreamed of results. Quality of preparation moves away from and at the table and in gaining competitive information gave us a significant advantage. This was a highly impressive performance and result."

~ Graham V.

"The thoroughness of the work undertaken, insight into the market and generation of strategy options has been first class."

~ Paul S.

"You have opened our minds to a different way of thinking and opportunities we never knew existed. Your insights and innovative approach have made the difference."

~ Larry P.

"Elton Consulting has delivered the highest quality scenario planning and developed those into well researched opportunities that allow us to prioritize where we will invest over the next five years."

~ Charles C.

"The quality of due diligence provided to us gave us the confidence to make the acquisition. Knowing that the value being sold to us was real, robust, and de-risked was critical."

~ William A.

Get in touch with us